Call for Abstracts
The deadline for Abstract Submission has now passed.
The 2022 Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM) will be held in
Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 14-20
The JASM Program Committee invites presentation abstracts
which support the conference theme:
Rapid Changes 〜 Collaborative Solutions
This unique conference is being organized by the
Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS),
which includes nine society members:
American Fisheries Society
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation
Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society
International Association for Great Lakes Research
North American Lake Management Society
Phycological Society of America
Society for Freshwater Science
Society of Wetland Scientists
Collaboration among disciplines is critical to address common problems, whether in wetlands, streams, lakes, or oceans, and to study these problems from an ecosystem perspective. Collaboration is also necessary to conduct translational research that delivers actionable results which support science-based solutions. We encourage presentations that engage scientists, practitioners, and others from across the spectrum of the CASS members and embrace unique perspectives offered by our colleagues both inside and outside the organizations of CASS. We look forward to presentations exploring all aspects of aquatic science.
The Hybrid Conference Model
One important lesson from the pandemic has been the value of providing remote access to scientific meeting content. This has allowed registrants broad access to the science, not just the slim subset of presentations that they might have attended in a pre-pandemic live event. JASM2022 will employ a hybrid meeting model to create an exciting in-person event but also provide for submission and access to content for those unable to travel to Grand Rapids. Presenters and attendees will be able to access the core science content through the following formats:
- Live-Streamed from Grand Rapids – Plenary sessions and selected other events will be live streamed as well as recorded and available online.
- In-person Presentations – All oral and poster presentations delivered in Grand Rapids will be pre-recorded and available online to all attendees.
- Virtual Presentations – Submissions of papers and posters by those unable to travel will be included as pre-recorded content and available for asynchronous viewing
Abstracts for symposia and contributed oral/poster sessions can be submitted for either a live, in-person or recorded, virtual presentation. All presenters are required to provide a recorded version of their presentation prior to the meeting. The recorded presentations will be made available to all in-person and virtual attendees, during and after the meeting. We will not be able to accommodate live, remote presentations during the conference. Presentation guidelines and additional instructions will be provided in future correspondence.
The JASM 2022 volunteer conference planning teams are working hard to plan a successful meeting. While we will continue to plan for an in-person conference, we are monitoring COVID guidelines and recommendations with the aim of keeping our CASS community and the Grand Rapids community healthy and safe. Contingency planning is in place should the meeting need to be entirely virtual. We will provide updates on the JASM 2022 website.
Abstract Guidelines
- Abstracts are to be submitted using the JASM 2022 website.
- Only one abstract per first author is allowed for symposia or contributed sessions, with the exception that an author may present a second presentation in a designated Outreach- or Education-themed session.
- Session organizers will have the final determination of presentation format based on space and time availability. For example, an abstract submitted for a 12-minute oral presentation may be accepted as a lightning oral presentation or a poster presentation instead.
- The submission deadline is 11:59 pm ET on 17 January 2022. Abstracts received after this date will not be accepted.
- Authors will be updated on the status of their abstract in February 2022.
Abstract Submission Requirements
All abstracts must be in English, using metric units. Do not include citations, illustrations, figures, or photos.
The abstract submission process will prompt you for the following information:
- Title (100 character limit)
- Abstract (250 word limit)
- Authors with complete contact information, including last name, first and middle initials, and email address.
- Session: Please select up to 3 sessions (symposium or contributed sessions) to which your work is most applicable – The Session list with descriptions is now available.
- Presentation type:
- In-person oral presentation: either a 12-minute talk + 3 minutes for Q&A or a 5-minute lightning talk presented live in Grand Rapids with a recorded version of your presentation prepared prior to the start of the conference
- In-person poster presentation: for display in-person in Grand Rapids and a recorded presentation prior to the start of the conference
- Virtual presentation: provide a recorded presentation (5 to 12 minutes) prior to the start of the conference available for asynchronous viewing only
Guidelines will be forthcoming in February 2022 regarding presentation formatting requirements, how to record your presentation, and options for virtual presentations.
Abstract Evaluation and Notice of Decision: An abstract should be informative and representative of the presentation, emphasizing data and results rather than methodology. Because abstracts are now being archived along with virtual meeting websites, they have become a resource to be consulted by the scientific community; thus, the Scientific Program Committee is resolved to pay close attention to all submitted abstracts. It is our intention to accept as many abstracts as possible, although some abstracts may need to be returned for revision. For example, abstracts containing text such as “…data will be presented…” or “…conclusions will be discussed…” will be returned to submitters for revision. Abstracts that do not follow the guidelines will be rejected.
Questions: Please direct any questions related to abstracts submission to the JASM Program Support team, at [email protected]